[Salon] House to vote on sanctioning International Criminal Court officials next week

BLUF: "The sanctions bill, led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), is currently cosponsored by more than 60 Republicans, but no Democrats.”
Where have I heard that name before? Oh, right, he’s a Conservative favorite of that Trumpite think-tank linked to “Hasbaristas” J.D. Vance, Ramaswamy, Bannonite/Straussian Curt Mills, et al. 

So here’s the Republican/Conservative foreign policy in a nutshell. With Biden’s/Democrat’s own, always intentionally a close copy, as only slightly moderated, if not identical. In their “tradition” of adopting the most extreme “Goldwaterite/Buckley” foreign policy proposals, as originally introduced by Goldwater, through his close friend, Scoop Jackson, and now to his ideological successor’s, like Biden and his fellow “Centrist Democrats.” Try as they might though, they can never outdo the Republican/Conservatives, especially the “New Right Third Way” of Heritage Foundation, in militaristic fanaticism. But like Avis; “Trying Harder!,” it’s never quite enough to beat the Conservative/Republicans at their own game, and never quite catching up, as can be seen below. (Disclaimer: this is not to promote either major POTUS candidate here; or other elected official of either “Centrist Democrats,” or any Republican. I refuse to become complicit in genocide! This is offered only as a refutation of, and counter-narrative to, those who assert “Conservatives" and Republicans, are, and have always been, the “Party of Peace.” Haha. Which is incumbent upon someone doing, given all the "right-historical revisionist history” we’re subjected to here. )

"Mike Johnson: If we have to sanction the ICC as just Republicans, we will"

House Speaker Mike Johnson joins ‘Fox News Sunday’ to discuss the White House opposing Republicans' bill to sanction the ICC after it put out arrest warrants on Israeli officials.

(To 3.25 for hasbara related directly to Israel’s fascist coalition 

"Biden admin knows that Israel-Hamas cease-fire proposal isn't going to work: Mike Pompeo"

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on a cease-fire proposal between Israel and Hamas, the Biden administration allowing the use of U.S. arms in Russia and the Trump conviction.

(TP-on the "the Biden administration allowing the use of U.S. arms in Russia; long overdue, says Trump Sec. of State, in keeping with what he and Trump were doing in Ukraine in league with Poland’s President Duda to advance the "Three Seas Initiative, aimed at tightening the noose on Russia even, as Trumps sanctions had, and his provision of Javelin missiles, etc., was intended as, long before February 24, 2022. While simultaneously, a group of Right-wing Peacenik supporters deceitfully asserted Trump was "ending the endless wars.” 


House to vote on sanctioning International Criminal Court officials next week

The vote is likely to be yet another divisive test for Democrats reluctant to put themselves at odds with the Biden administration


Celal Gunes/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

United States Capitol building

The House is set to vote next week on legislation to sanction the International Criminal Court and its officials over their pursuit of arrest warrants for Israeli officials, days after the Biden administration announced it wouldn’t support such a step.

While lawmakers had been working to build a strong bipartisan consensus on a response to the ICC, with legislation that could pass both chambers and be signed into law, the administration’s announcement likely put that goal out of reach.

This week’s vote is now likely to be yet another divisive vote for Democrats reluctant to put themselves publicly at odds with the administration’s position on Israel. It’s being brought forward under procedures requiring a simple majority vote, and bypassing the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Democratic leadership has been increasingly outspoken against Republicans for bringing up such votes, accusing them of politicizing Israel policy and using it and antisemitism as a wedge issue against Democrats.

The sanctions bill, led by Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), is currently cosponsored by more than 60 Republicans, but no Democrats. At least a small group of Democrats is likely to support it, however — 19 of them signed a letter to the administration on Thursday calling on the administration “ consult with Congress to immediately impose sanctions against the ICC’s Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan and any other officials who have demonstrated undue bias in their actions.”

Top Republicans, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), had condemned the administration for its opposition to sanctions.

The bill, the “Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act” — copying the court’s own acronym — would impose sanctions on any individual who has “engaged in or otherwise aided any effort by the International Criminal Court to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute” current or former U.S. officials or officials from any U.S. ally nation, as well as anyone who has in any way assisted those efforts, anyone acting on behalf of anyone involved in such investigations and immediate family members of all such individuals.

The sanctions would include blocking of property in the U.S., visa bans and revocation of active visas. The sanctions would remain in place until the ICC’s efforts ended and the investigations are permanently terminated.

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